The Group of Five Guys Podcast was born on August 3rd, 2021. It is a weekly live show that covers all news and games from the Group of Five football conferences. It airs on YouTube, Tuesday nights at 8pm est. The audio podcast then releases the following morning on Wednesday. Fans of any team or the show are encouraged to call the hotline at
(615) - 900 - 4286 to leave a voicemail. All voicemails get played on the show and discussed.
The Guys also interview Coaches, Players and Staff from your favorite team.
You can find all the video content here:
(615) - 900 - 4286 to leave a voicemail. All voicemails get played on the show and discussed.
The Guys also interview Coaches, Players and Staff from your favorite team.
You can find all the video content here: